Peru State Forest Hike
Saturday, April 28th, 2018
10:00am-2:00pm (Rain date: Sunday, April 29 )
Lace up your boots and explore the amazing natural and cultural wonders atop Garnet Peak in Peru State Forest as we discover a special place perched along the rugged Berkshire Highlands Plateau. This strenuous 5-mile hike will follow unimproved woods roads and old foot trails featuring scenic vistas and a WWII airplane crash site.
Please wear sturdy waterproof hiking shoes, bring trekking poles, water and a lunch. Rain cancels.
Meeting directions: From the east, take Route 112 Huntington, then follow Chester Hill Road and Main Road (Skyline Trail) west to Middlefield town center and continue west 4.0 miles to parking area on the right. From the west, take Route 8 in Hinsdale to the Middlefield-Skyline Road and follow east 3.0 miles to parking area on the right (.2 miles past South Road Ext.).
For more information or to register for the hike call (413) 499-9935 or visit and
This event is co-sponsored by The Friends of Peru State Forest
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